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Nintendo to launch Wii U by Christmas

Speaking at an investor meeting following the release of its Q3 financials today, Iwata said (via Reuters) that Wii U will launch within the holiday period in EU, US, Japan and Australia.

A 2012 launch was confirmed Wii U’s debut at E3 last year, and was narrowed down for release between E3 and December at the end of last year. This is the first time Nintendo has been specific on release timing and regions since the console’s announcement in Los Angeles last summer.

Nintendo has said it will re-reveal Wii U at this year’s E3. That will take place between June 5-7. The console was shown to press at CES in Vegas this month, an event which included the debut of a new panoramic demo of a Tokyo street.

On the first-party front, not much is known to be in development for the system besides Super Smash Bros. A Zelda HD demo was also shown at E3 last year, as was a New Super Mario Bros-like experience.

For third-parties, EA, THQ, Ubisoft and Warner are some of the studios who have committed to Wii U, with local versions of Darksiders II, Metro: Last Light, Batman: Arkham City, Assassin’s Creed and Ghost Recon planned for the system.

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