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Firefox being a right knob ? here's a fix.

Background A new Firefox crash prevention feature was introduced in Firefox 3.6.4 to load Adobe Flash (as well as Microsoft Silverlight and Apple QuickTime, on Windows) in a separate process named "plugin-container".

When one of these "out-of-process" plugins crashes or stops responding for a specified time period (10 seconds in Firefox 3.6.4 or 45 seconds in Firefox 3.6.6) , only the plugin is terminated and you will get a plugin crash notice with the option of sending a crash report to Mozilla. The purpose of this new feature is to prevent the entire Firefox browser from crashing when a plugin hangs or crashes. Ref: What is plugin-container The Adobe Flash plugin has crashed Plugin crash reports

You can stop plugins from loading in a separate "plugin-container" process by setting dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.* in preferences to false in about:config as explained :here 

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