PS3, PC, Xbox 360 and er.. wii u

Aliens: Colonial Marines will have no HUD to provide the player with onscreen information.
Gameplay types have been described as "Gauntlet Runs", where players must fight enemies as they travel from point A to point B, and "Last Stand" moments, where players must defend a specific area by welding doors and/or setting up automated sentry turrets.
In Aliens: Colonial Marines players will gain experience points when killing enemies and completing certain objectives. These experience points will allow players to customize the appearance of their character, purchase upgrades for weapons, and unlock other skill sets. All of which carry over to other gameplay modes.

Along with being able to traverse different surfaces from any angle, Gearbox and Sega have also stated that the aliens' AI will use the environment to set up sneak attacks, and group tactics to overwhelm the player.
Not all enemies will be aliens as players will find themselves also fighting human enemies in the form of Weyland-Yutani commandos and mercenaries.
is this really coming for wii ?
Wii U,yes
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